Step by Step to Stand-Up Comedy Audio Book


Step-by-Step to Stand-Up Comedy, written and narrated by Greg Dean, is a comprehensive guide for people who are funny, want to be funnier, or have dreams of being a stand-up comedian. This first-of-its-kind audiobook demystifies the craft of comedy by breaking it down to the fundamental skills used by professional funny people. Dean lays out these skills in simple-to-understand lessons that are easy to practice and master.

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Dean’s original joke structure diagram explains how jokes are built around two interpretations of one magical element called the connector. You’ll learn how to see both the expected interpretation and the unexpected reinterpretation of the connector. And you’ll be writing jokes after just one listening.

Dean also teaches “act outs” by explaining points of view (POVs). Act outs are the quick scenes comics act out during a routine. The three POVs inside a scene are the fundamental tools for understanding why act outs are so funny. You’ll learn how to form jokes by shifting form one POV that creates an expected interpretation to another POV that reveals an unexpected interpretation. It’s fun and easy, and it works.

Step-by-Step to Stand-Up Comedy also covers overcoming stage fright, handling hecklers, coping with going blank, dealing with bombing, riffing with the audience, crossing the hurt line, and getting experience. Learn in hours of listening what most comedians learn through years of stage time.

Purchase and fulfillment of the book is provided through Amazon. Additional information about the book, reviews and it’s availability can also be found on the Amazon product page.

The Author

The Professor of Stand Up Comedy
Greg Dean

Greg Dean, the Professor of Stand-Up Comedy, is the author of the international bestseller, Step-by-Step to Stand Up Comedy. It’s now sold in six different languages. Creator of the original Joke Structure technique. Greg Dean has been teaching stand up comedy for over 40 years and is a true innovator in the field of stand-up comedy education, having launched the first stand-up comedy school in the world.