Greg Dean’s Stand Up Comedy Classes Blog

Simply the Best Stand Up Comedy Training

Posting Stand-Up Comedy Clips

Posting Stand-Up Comedy Clips

These days, the internet provides free exposure to every stand up comedian, so it’s worth thinking about how much to post. Here are some of my ideas on the matter:Understand the Benefits & Risks to a Stand Up Comedian As a stand up comedian, making your material...

Focusing an Inattentive Audience

Focusing an Inattentive Audience

In the stand up comedy classes that I teach, students often ask me how to handle a situation in which a stand-up comedy audience isn’t paying attention.  Here are some approaches:Take Charge It’s easy to forget--when people refuse to pay attention to you--that you are...

The Best Training You’ll Ever Get!

Learn from the Professor of Stand Up Comedy – He’s got 40 years in the trenches teaching students how to maximize their “funny! with his tried and true techniques.  Other comedy schools have tried to copy his methods, but they just don’t get it right. Don’t get a copy — get the real thing!

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